Welcome to Le Verger de Hudson Bio


The apple is one the most chemically sprayed fruits harvested in Québec. As apple growers, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to do differently. By planting the orchard from scratch we were able to control all aspects of its development, from enriching the soil to treatments used on the fruit.

We practice Organic Farming. This process of production involves working while respecting nature and achieving a balanced ecosystem. Feeding the soil with natural elements instead of feeding the trees with chemical fertilizers. Increasing the beneficial insect population instead of destroying enemy insects with chemical pesticides. The ultimate goal is to harvest healthy fruit with the freshness and good taste that nature intended it to have. 

Bees & Trees


What a privilege it is to live among the bees.  Their presence in the orchard is crucial and precious.  We became beekeepers not only out of a need to pollinate but because the organic orchard can host bees permanently.  Without the use of chemical pesticides,  our bees thrive and provide full circle farming. Their quest for nectar is only interrupted by the need to remind us that we are on their territory!

Our bees gather pollen and nectar from apple blossoms and dandelions in the spring and clover and wild flowers in the summer.  We harvest twice a year,  bottling seasonal small batch raw honey,  unpasteurized to preserve its natural flavours and virtues. It is honey for flavour lovers.



Come visit our orchard and explore our apple varieties, honey from our hives as well as delicious foodie finds.
Bring a lunch and enjoy a moment on the farm.

From The Shop

Craft Orchard Products

Ingredients matter!  Here at Le Verger, we love food and are endlessly amazed at the bounty of the orchard and the different flavours it offers.  Our mission is to offer top quality orchard and hive products that retain those natural flavours with as little interference or preservatives as possible.

Foodie Finds

If it’s flavourful, we’re there!  Our taste buds have curated this section.  We’ve sought out original flavours, some classics and addictive food finds.

Home Goods

From food prep to garden tools it’s all about the home.  We’ve curated artisan and local goods to make your kitchen and outdoor duties that much more enjoyable.  And when it isn’t local, we’ve tested and approved it for you.  We wouldn’t be selling it if we weren’t using it ourselves.